2025 More Details 

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On this page, we go into more details about the theme, why it was chosen, and what our vision is for the year.

We also give more information about the monthly themes and profiles of the speakers.

To go back to the main 2025 page click HERE



This year marks our own Jubilee of 50 years since the start of the Alton Day of Renewal in 1975. It’s a happy “coincidence” that the Church is also celebrating a Jubilee and, for many reasons, it makes sense for us to use the same overall theme “PILGRIMS OF HOPE” although we will explore this theme in ways that are relevant to our own mission and activities.

With hindsight, we can see that, over the last two years, we have been on a journey of preparation for this Pilgrimage Jubilee: in 2023 our theme of proclaiming the Good News was based on the Isaiah/Luke Mission statement of Jesus quoted below in the Jubilee paragraph; and in 2024 we focussed on transformation by the Holy Spirit into the holiness of God, as described in the Pilgrimage paragraph.

We now sense that the Lord is urging us to look forward to the journey ahead, building on the strengths of the past but pressing on with hope and trust in the growth that will come as we nurture new initiatives and new participants.


We are taking the same theme as the Universal Church: Pilgrims of Hope. (This was suggested by former Core Group member Jenny Osterfield, who has a strong prophetic gift, before she knew it was the Church’s theme!)

Our monthly themes will reflect various different aspects of Pilgrimage and Jubilee, with the over-riding message of moving forward with expectant hope in the providence of God; a firm trust in the victory of Christ; and joy in the blessings and gifts of the Holy Spirit for revitalising the Church. ADoRE will continue its mission of encouraging people to deeper personal relationship with Jesus; experiencing the Baptism of the Holy Spirit; and using the charisms of the Holy Spirit to bring others into the Kingdom.

In the Old Testament, the Jubilee year every 50th year was intended to be marked as a time to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation, and involved the forgiveness of debts, restitution, liberation and conversion.

Jesus himself is humanity’s restoration, the fulfilment of the prophecy of Isaiah. The Gospel of Luke describes Jesus’ mission in this way: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord,” (Luke 4:18-19; cf. Isaiah 61:1-2). Jesus lives out these words in his daily life, in his encounters with others and in his relationships, all of which bring about liberation and conversion.

November 22nd (Eve of the Feast of Christ the King)

"PILGRIMS OF HOPE – Signposts to the Kingdom.” (On Zoom)

We come across so many on our Pilgrim journey who are lost, without hope. We know the way (Jesus); we have a guide (the Holy Spirit); we have the gift of Hope.
We need to be sign posts, showing the way, sharing our hope. How the renewal of parishes is a source for hope in the UK Church.

Dr. Hannah Vaughan-Spruce is Executive Director of Divine Renovation UK. Having graduated from Cambridge with a Theology degree, she was recently awarded her PhD for a sociological study on culture in Catholic parishes. She has 15 years of parish and diocesan ministry experience, and has published a number of books, 


There are many ways of describing Pilgrimage, but the Vatican’s Jubilee 2025 website Peregrinantes in Spem gives the following definition, which aligns closely with ADoRE’s ethos and mission: “Pilgrimage is an experience of conversion, the transformation of one's very being to conform it to the holiness of God.” Link HERE

The fruit of silence is prayer,
The fruit of prayer is faith,The fruit of faith is love,The fruit of love is service,The fruit of service is peace.

- St Teresa of Calcutta

Joy, hope, thanksgiving, liberation, forgiveness, healing, rest, justice, mercy, grace, restitution, renewal, return, redemption, reunion, unity, dreaming dreams, homecoming, God’s provision, enjoying God’s gifts, proclaiming the good news, binding up the broken hearted, liberty to captives, release of prisoners, the Lord's favour, comfort to mourners, the oil of gladness, the mantle of praise.

Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:31 NIV)

I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Saviour; my God will hear me. (Micah 7:7 NIV)

Hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. (Romans 5:5 NRSVACE)

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13 NIV)

Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. (Romans 12:12 NRSVACE)

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. (1Pet. 1:3 NRSVACE)

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 NRSVACE)


January 25th (Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - Jesus is the Way.” (On Zoom)

We set out on our pilgrim journey with Jesus, who is humanity's restoration and the fulfilment of Isaiah 61:1-2. Our salvation is through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, but we need to have a personal relationship with him and accept his call to discipleship, following him on our pilgrimage through life.

Speaker: Daniella Stephens is a Catholic Evangelist and founder of Parrhesia Ministries, who travels the UK and abroad speaking at churches, schools, conferences, retreats, prayer groups, youth groups and more. Information on Parrhesia Ministries.

February 22nd (Feast of St. Peter’s Chair)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - The Holy Spirit is our Guide.” (On Zoom)

The Holy Spirit is vitally important on our pilgrim journey: He is the powerhouse of the Church’s ministry. Baptism in the Holy Spirit – encouraged by Pope Francis - is the key to understanding the Holy Spirit as a person, an advocate, a practical helper, who sanctifies us and equips us with charisms to serve our fellow pilgrims.

Speaker: Gerry Penfold is Leader of Called and Gifted UK. Called and Gifted is a spiritual journey that helps you understand your own calling and identify the specific charisms that the Lord has given you to share with others. It is firmly rooted in the Catholic Church’s teachings and Sacred Scripture. Info on Called and Gifted

March 22nd
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - A Lamp for our Feet” (On Zoom)

The Bible is our roadmap for the pilgrimage of faith: we need to become familiar with God's Word in Scripture, and practise listening to and trusting in what God is saying. With the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of Church teaching, we can discern God's word for us and apply it in our lives.

Speaker: John Hesketh is a Catholic Evangelist and New Dawn 2024 Keynote Speaker. John has been in Catholic ministry in a variety of forms for over 25 years.‍ He has been a teacher, youth minister and school chaplain. He received his Master’s degree from the Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio. John's website

April 26th (Eve of Feast of Divine Mercy)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - Love Mercy.” (On Zoom)
On our pilgrimage through life, God calls us to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him (Micah 6:8). How do we act, love and walk? Our example of mercy and justice are a powerful witness of hope to an unbelieving world. The world does not believe in God’s law, but merciful Jesus is our living hope.

Speaker: Charles Whitehead KSG is a highly respected Catholic Renewal leader. He has taught all over the world and is author of several books. Worked with Pope St. John Paul II as Chairman of the International Catholic Charismatic Office in Rome. With his wife Sue, he founded the Celebrate conferences.

May 31st (Feast of the Visitation)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - Filled with Joy.” (Live meeting: venue to be announced)
Praise and thanksgiving should be our way of life as we travel, sharing our joy and hope with all around us. Binding up the broken hearted and bringing comfort to mourners with the oil of gladness and the mantle of praise. In this year of Jubilee, let us renew our joy in the Holy Spirit, in all circumstances.

Speaker: Jenny Baker is the National Leader of Celebrate Trust and Conferences. She previously worked for Catholic Faith Exploration (CaFE) producing and presenting Catholic formation DVD resources for parishes. She also served as Vice-Chair of the English Renewal Committee.  Celebrate Trust Link

June 28th (Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - Along with Mary.” (On Zoom)
Mary travels with us on our pilgrimage, just as she travelled with Jesus. She is the bride of the Holy Spirit and conceived Jesus through humility and obedience. She followed Jesus’ ministry and points us to him. She was at the Cross and at the birth of the Church at Pentecost. Mary supports us Pilgrims with her prayers.

Speaker: Niall McDonagh is a qualified teacher, school counsellor, Catholic psychotherapist, and speaker. He holds Masters degrees in Catholic Philosophical studies, Theology and Counselling & Psychotherapy. He has worked closely with Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity. Catholic Counselling Link.

July 26th
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - Provision for the Journey.” (On Zoom)
Jesus reveals himself as food for our journey through life: His atoning sacrifice and resurrection to new life are made present in the Eucharist. We learn to trust in our Father God’s providence for our lives, to know Him as our Abba, who loves us unconditionally and provides for us generously.

Speaker: Judith Aylmer is Diocesan Coordinator for Portsmouth CHARIS and has organised and run online Life in the Spirit Seminars. She is a member of the ADoRE Core Group. She co-ordinates ADoRE's Intercessory Prayer Support Team, helps with administration and is the principal Zoom meeting Co-host.

August 30th
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - Forgive one another.” (On Zoom)
Jubilee is a time of forgiveness, reconciliation, restitution, liberation. It is important that we choose to forgive in Jesus’ strength, as we have been forgiven. This can bring healing, deliverance, new life, new energy and a new spring in our step along the Pilgrim path.

Dr. Maria Heath is Leader of Mission Northampton, the Diocesan team which provides mission-related services in evangelisation and catechesis. She was formerly the National Co-ordinator of CHARIS England and Wales for six years. She holds a doctorate in exploring how parishes can become more missionary.

September 27th

(Feast of St. Vincent de Paul.) (Mass with Bishop Philip Egan.)
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE – Minister to one another.” (Live meeting in Basingstoke)
We are called to help others along the Pilgrim way, using our God-given gifts and talents for the Kingdom. Guiding people to God as loving Father, Jesus as Saviour, and the Holy Spirit as Counsellor. Providing for the needy; helping the weak; being
stewards of sharing God’s provision; giving cheerfully and not counting the cost.

Geoff Poulter has been in active Catholic ministry since 1976. He has a degree in Divinity, and a Post Graduate Certificate in Theology. He and his late wife Gina were Directors of the Catholic Bible School for 12 years. Geoff now leads training courses in Prophecy, Healing and Discipleship by request .

October 25th
“PILGRIMS OF HOPE - The Path of Prayer.”
(On Zoom)
Our spiritual pilgrimage into an intimate relationship with Jesus. Getting to know him through listening prayer, being in His company. Contemplative prayer; breathing as prayer; learning to wait on God. Prayer that glorifies God on every step of our journey.

Mary Hirst is a Catholic Evangelist and public speaker; Benedictine Schools Formation Coordinator, creating resources to help with formation; fundraiser for Celebrate Trust; a has also led prayerful and insightful Lectio Divina sessions on Radio Maria. She is a member of a Lay Benedictine community.