"The Charismatic Renewal is a current of grace of the Spirit for all the Church, not just for some" - Pope Francis
Key Scripture:
Luke 1:37 "No word from God will ever fail.”
The Bishops' Conference designated 2020 as a Year in celebration of The God who Speaks, inviting the Church to listen afresh to the Word of God as did Our Blessed Lady at the Annunciation, to encounter anew the presence of that Word and to proclaim it afresh in the Church and the World.
2020 was also the year when England was rededicated as “Mary’s Dowry”. (See details HERE)
Our programme tied in with these important themes by encouraging us to listen to God speaking to us through His word, just as Mary did.
God tells us that He loves us as His children. We not only need to hear and receive His word, we also need to put it into practice, so that we can proclaim God as our loving Father and Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, alive and active in our country today, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
God speaks to us today also through the gift of Prophecy, one of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit. To find out more about Prophecy, click the button below.
We are grateful to the Polish artist Agata Padol for allowing us to use her beautiful painting "Annunciation" to illustrate this year's theme. She can be contacted on agatapadol@tien.pl
Listening to God
These talks encourage us to listen to God speaking to us through His word, just as Mary did. God tells us that He loves us as His children. We not only need to hear and receive His word, we also need to put it into practice.
“The Almighty has done great things for me” (Luke 1:49) Introducing the year’s theme. How can we know, like Mary, that God wants to do great things for us through the Holy Spirit?. Speaker: Alice Hall (full time missionary with Sion Evangelisation Community and resposible for their formation and training events). Recording below.
“A light for revelation” (Luke 2:32) At the Presentation, Mary heard how Jesus was the fulfilment of prophecy. How does prophecy inspire us today? How can we be prophetic in our own parishes? Speaker: Fr Denis McBride C.Ss.R. Director of Redemptorist Publications and an international lecturer and author. Recording below.
“May your word to me be fulfilled” (Luke 1:38) Mary’s Yes enabled Jesus to be conceived. How can we hear and respond to the Holy Spirit? Speaker: Maria Heath, Chair of the National Service Committee for Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
Meeting was cancelled, therefore no recording of talk is available.
“The Lord is with you” (Luke 1:28) Gabriel’s greeting to Mary reassures her of God’s favour. How can we be assured of God’s love through His word? Speaker: Fr Anthony Meredith, Vicar General of the Institute of Charity (the Rosminians)
Meeting was cancelled, therefore no recording of talk is available.
“They all joined together constantly in prayer” (Acts 1:14) Mary and the disciples prayed for the Holy Spirit before Pentecost. How can we pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Speaker: Andrew Lawrence. Lead Elder of Harvest Church, Alton and part of the leadership team of Commission, an international family of churches. Video below.
“The Word became flesh” (John 1:14) God became man through Mary. Jesus enters the world today through us. How can we witness effectively? Speaker: Peter Hobbs, leader of Parish formation and confirmation courses and helper on the bereavement team.
Video below.
“She treasured all these things in her heart” (Luke 2: 52) Mary pondered over what Jesus said to her. How can we find the hidden treasure in God’s word through Lectio Divina and in all forms of Silent Prayer? Speaker: David Beresford, Director of the Catholic Bble School since 2014 and active in Christian ministry for 30 years. Video below
“Filled with the Holy Spirit” (Luke 1:41) Mary, Elizabeth and John the Baptist at the Visitation: the first charismatic prayer meeting? How can we be filled with the Spirit and with joy? Speaker: Charles Whitehead, respected speaker and author; former chair of International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service. The official celebration of 45 years of Alton Day of Renewal. Video below
“Here is your mother” (John 19:28) From the Cross, Jesus asks John to care for Mary. How is Jesus asking us to be loving and compassionate, and how will we respond? Speaker: Fr John Seddon, Benedictine priest based at Chilworth Abbey, where he leads monthly days of praise, healing and reflection. Video below
“My spirit rejoices in God my saviour” (Luke 1:47) How can we, like Mary, use the words of Scripture to praise God? Speaker: Mgr. John Armitage, Rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham and closely involved with the rededication of England as "Mary's Dowry" this year. Video below
“Do whatever he tells you” (John 2:5) At Cana, Mary encourages obedience to Jesus. Will we see more miracles if we obey the word of God with expectant faith? Speaker: Ros Powell, Catholic Evangelist and prayer group leader; popular speaker at Catholic charismatic conferences and seminars. Video below
"The Almighty has done great things for me"
How can we know, like Mary, that God wants to do great things for us through the Holy Spirit?
"A light for revelation"
How does prophecy inspire us today? How can we be prophetic in our own parishes?
Prayer by Fr Henri Nouwen:
"Lord Jesus, free me from the many things that occupy and preoccupy me. Help me to just be with you. To pray with you, glorify you, thank you, worship you. I want to be attentive, more ready to hear you... make me still, Lord, make me quiet and speak to me in that silence. Amen."