"The Charismatic Renewal is a current of grace of the Spirit for all the Church, not just for some" - Pope Francis
Social Media Connections
Recorded at the 2018 Days of Renewal
The Good News of Jesus Christ: the
message of Mission - by Charles Whitehead.
What is the Good News? Have we been
evangelized, or just catechized?
The Spirit has anointed me: empowered for
mission - by Fr Anthony Meredith. How does
the Holy Spirit inspire and equip us to
proclaim the Good News?
Living Kingdom Values: mission and witness
- by Gemma Wildsmith How can our everyday
lives be transformed into opportunities for
Setting the downtrodden free: mission and
justice - by Peter Hobbs. Taking the Good
News to victims of modern day slavery.
Proclaiming the Lord's favour: mission and
forgiveness - by Fr Simon Penhalagan. How
does the Good News set us free from
condemnation and unforgiveness?
Good news for the poor: mission and
outreach - by Rev Andrew Micklefield. How
can Christians work together to bring the
good news to the needy?
Good news and Gospel: mission and
Scripture - by Mgr. Jeremy Garratt. What
does the Bible tell us about why and how
we should spread the Good News?
The Church exists to evangelise: the
meaning of mission - by Fr Mark Hogan.
What does the Church teach about the
importance of the laity in its mission?
New sight for the blind: mission and healing
by Pauline Edwards and Fr Laurence Brassill.
Taking the Good News to the spiritually blind
and those in need of healing.
The Spirit has sent me: mission and method
- by Fr John Seddon. Discerning how and
where we are to respond to the call to
Liberty for captives: mission and deliverance
- by David Matthews. Taking the Good News
to the spiritually oppressed.
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Our theme for 2018 was "GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE" - Renewal and Mission.
Although every Christian is called to evangelise, none of us is equal to the task. We all need the Holy Spirit - He will equip us to play our part. The programme was designed to inspire and equip us to be joyful and effective witnesses, bringing the Good News to the world.
On this page we are giving links to talks which will enable you and your Parish to develop your own evangelising skills and programmes.
We also ran a programme on Proclaiming the GOOD NEWS in 2023. Follow the button below to find videos of the talks.
You can also find further guidance about personal and Parish Evangelising and links to resources by following the button below.