Lockdown inspiration

Praise with the Pope
Enjoy singing "Majesty" along with Pope Francis, Charles and Sue Whitehead and 70,000 Catholic Charismatics at the 2017 Golden Jubilee of Renewal in Rome.

Deeper experience of the Holy Spirit

The Wild Goose series is fourteen independent videos dealing with different experiences of the Holy Spirit. For the most part, each segment stands on its own so you do not have to watch them in any particular order. However, the first three segments give a type of foundation to the others, so I would suggest that you start with these if you are new to the subject.

Holding cross

A wonderful Easter gift for believers and also those with little faith, the holding cross is specially designed to fit comfortably in the palm of the hand. Many people find the holding cross gives them comfort when afraid.

This cross is inscribed with part of the famous "footprints" story: "My precious child I love you and would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Hand carved walnut wooden Holding Cross

3.5" £8.99 plus postage.

Can be delivered to you or another address.


Our meeting scheduled for April 25th has of course been cancelled. Fr. Anthony Meredith was to have been our guest speaker this month; instead he has sent us this special message of hope and encouragement for Holy Week and Easter.


This page was put together to provide some inspirational suggestions to raise the spirits during lockdown.

Even though we are now thankfully through that challenging time, you may still find these resources are inspiring.

Stations of Light

There is a tradition of following the Stations of the Cross ("Via Crucis") during Lent and Holy Week. However, there is another journey to make. These 'Stations of the Resurrection' or Stations of Light ("Via Lucis") follow the experience of the Risen Jesus through scripture. They are composed and narrated by the Very Revd Andrew Nunn, Dean of Southwark.

Pentecost message from Charles Whitehead

In an exclusive article written for ADoRE, Charles reflects on the wonderful opportunities opened to us by Pope Francis, and encourages us: "Just at present most of us have more time for prayerful thought than we are used to, so as we begin to slowly emerge from our self-isolation, let's think about how we are now going to BE church differently as we move ahead, challenged by all that we have experienced in recent weeks ....we now need to be very open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we move forward together in new ways as the Church."

You may also like to be inspired by Charles's new autobiographical book "Surprised by the Spirit"

From Easter to Pentecost

After Good Friday the Apostles were in lockdown - what lessons can we learn about waiting patiently and praying for the Holy Spirit?

A short video of prayer and worship.

Prayer of Empowerment for Pentecost

The Lord could be using the present situation as a time of grace, preparation and personal growth for us, so that we can work in a new partnership with him in the times ahead. We invite you to proclaim this prayer, adapted from Ephesians 1:17-24, over yourself:

May the glorious Father, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, give me the strength to surrender all my dependencies and to trust completely in him. May he give me a spirit of wisdom and revelation and open the eyes of my heart so that I may truly know the authority he has given to me, through being seated with him in the heavenly realms, that is far above all rule, authority, power and dominion, for this age and the age to come. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, and in glorious partnership with Jesus, may I be made ready to take hold of his mighty power, the same power that raised Christ from the dead, that has been given to me. Amen

Praise and Worship

from ADoRE Online 23 May 2020 Including words, so you can sing along!


An inspiring "Life in the Spirit" series of video talks (on DVD or online) helping people to encounter the Holy Spirit and to be empowered to share their faith. Presented by well known speakers Charles Whitehead, Michelle Moran, David Payne and Jenny Baker. The special course website includes leader's training, daily prayer reflections, recommended reading and follow-on materials.