Please support us

We invite you to support our Mission

We are dedicated to the encouragement of a personal relationship with God, via his Son, Jesus Christ, and the charismatic work of his Holy Spirit. We provide spiritual refreshment to God’s people through a monthly programme of: Prayer, Eucharist, Praise, Inspired Teaching, and Healing Ministry.


First and foremost, we would really appreciate your prayer support. Please thank and praise God for our work and ask Him to continue to bless it.


There is no charge to attend the Day of Renewal (unlike some conferences which charge £10 to £20 a day). But we do ask those attending to make a donation, according to their means, to cover our costs and support our ministry of providing spiritual refreshment to God's people and promoting Baptism in the Spirit.

We are a not-for-profit "unincorporated association." The organising team give all their time and effort voluntarily. Our income is under £5,000 per annum so we do not need to be registered with the Charity Commission. We make no profit: all donations are used to give offerings to visiting speakers and Priests who minister to us; and to pay for publicity, this website, copyright licence, zoom conference licence, bulk mailing subscription, and other incidental costs. We are also able to make a donation each year to other Catholic organisations involved in renewal.

Please do consider setting up a monthly standing order donation.

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How to make donations

Because we are not holding regular meetings, we are unable to pass round the "love bag" to collect donations. But we still have costs of the website, the extended zoom facility, copyright licencing and advertising, as well as giving offerings to the speakers and priests who minister to us in the meetings.

Thank you for supporting our mission with a donation using the methods below. God bless you for your generosity.

We are a not-for-profit organisation but not a registered charity therefore donations not eligible for Gift Aid.

1. Donation by Bank Transfer

Please make your one-off (or regular) payment through your bank to Alton Day of Renewal Sort Code: 20-11-43 Account no. 23858758 Reference: Donation. (No service fee deducted) 

2. PayPal Donation

You do not need a PayPal account. To donate with your credit or debit card please click on the Donate button below and follow the instructions. PayPal deduct a small service charge from the amount they pass on to us.

3. By cheque

If neither of the above two methods is possible, please send a cheque payable to "Alton Day of Renewal" to Alastair Emblem, 29 Lynch Road, Farnham GU9 8BX