"The Charismatic Renewal is a current of grace of the Spirit for all the Church, not just for some" - Pope Francis
The whole morning was very inspiring, the testimony was incredibly powerful and faith-building. The Talk was so spiritually exhilarating and thoroughly animating.
I do not think, at 81, that I have ever been so moved by a talk, profoundly. Certainly it stirred up the Holy Spirit and said everything that needed to be said on Being Witnesses.
Another wonderful session. So much to feed and nurture my faith and so much inspiration to take into my wider life and to share with all. Praise God.
Allegra's talk was so good.....very strong, powerful, important, and gentle, direct, clear.
I found Joe Livingston's talk fantastic: so moving ......HIs whole energy and authority and certainty was awe-inspiring. I found the healing incredible! There was so much power and faith in the atmosphere.
This was a wonderful session as always. I can't express my thanks enough. The Mass was beautiful… Adoration was especially moving. I'm in awe of the prophecy which always seems to be so very pertinent. Worship was sung beautifully. It is always helpful to hear testimony about people's faith journey and very humbling. Joe Livingston was a titan of faith and I feel privileged to have been able to hear him. His message is much needed. All in all, a wonderful session.
This group is so special. I am so grateful to be part of it, - sharing of folk with such deep, committed faith.
This is my first time joining you. I hear the Holy Spirit saying 'Why did you wait so long to take up the invitation?’
It was a lovely retreat, well-paced and with lots of different parts to keep me engaged. I loved the worship music and all the talks and the testimony - all very inspirational. I also loved the many references to Scripture.
How wonderful, how blessed we are. Thank you Ros, for such an enlightening and inspirational talk. Thank you Michal for your testimony. What a wonderful morning. I’m full of Wonder for the Lord.
Thank you for showing the Talks on You tube. I have just listened to Kristina Cooper's April 2024 talk. She gave me the answer I was seeking...to go to confession to unburden myself from something that I cannot fix myself. It was an answer to prayer. Thank you Holy Spirit for leading me to this talk and thank you Kristina for your ministry.
I love the praise session, I found it very uplifting. The talk was very confirming of what we are trying to do in our Parish. I was very hopeful and encouraged by much of what Kristina said in her Spirit inspired talk.
The homily was very inspiring, I experienced a sense of the Priest’s heart speaking to my heart. Kristina’s talk was so refreshing - she took us on an insightful journey with a lovely ending. The worship was so holy and uplifting.
I found the prophetic sharing very helpful. What struck me was how so many of the thoughts were along the same lines, that God is with us and within us. I found the whole morning so moving that it had me in tears at some points.
I felt the Holy Spirit working very powerfully throughout the morning - but especially during prophetic sharing, worship singing, and Jenny's talk which I found FANTASTIC. She is so gentle yet passionate.
The quality of the Praise and Worship and both the Testimony and the talk was excellent. The testimony was particularly uplifting, inspiring and encouraging. Some of the Words of Knowledge were amazingly accurate and relevant for me.
Prophetic sharing was very good. Great to hear how the Holy Spirit was working in and through participants, and how some of the prophecies related to what the speaker said.
First time at the event and thanks so much ... happy to see the holy spirit is working in our church. May he pour more power and more fruit in our church in the mighty name of Jesus.
Thank you to everyone who shared their testimonies. I have been very moved. My faith has grown. Thank you. What an amazing God we serve.
I find these monthly Saturday mornings a real tonic for my spiritual wellbeing and prayer life - thank you and praise God for all your ministry.
The whole event is expertly managed and very well presented.
There is something about the whole package that speaks of authority, of God's hand over each month's meeting. The unity and commitment of the Core team shines with love.
The Holy Mass was intimate and very moving. Fr Gareth's talk was the best I had witnessed in a long time.
Very spiritual Exposition time as always. Wonderful, honest and amazing witness. Inspirational teaching talk.
This was my first time - I was blown away... The Lord really blessed me with the whole event and I will definitely be a regular. Thank you so much for all you do... The Holy Trinity must be beaming!
It is an inspiring time of praise and worship and the talk always gives me food for thought.
Experienced speaker who kept one's attention by giving examples and own experience.
The praise and worship is always so connecting with God, really love that session.
Thank you for an inspirational talk and charismatic morning worship. God bless to all!
It was helpful to hear the amazing teaching with such care and the prayer from Ros. The praise and worship by Alastair was beautiful, enhanced by the pictures which conveyed vividly the love of Jesus.
I cant travel to meetings so it's a real blessing to be able to hear speakers at Adore.
I found this talk extremely powerful and I couldn’t believe how relevant it was and I really needed it. Thank you.
Always the prayer and praise is the outstanding feature.
Wonderful wonderful … Thank you so much I loved every minute.
Inspiring, super, motivated. Hope to be part of this incredible group again.
Everything was spot on. I could feel Holy Spirit working from the very beginning.
Thank you so much Bishop David Oakley. This has given me fresh new perspectives and food for
thought….Very inspiring day as always, thank you all.
I thought it was all done really well. I found the Mass and Adoration calming and peaceful. The talk by Bishop David was really helpful for me..
I was amazed how inspirational this retreat was. Every section was concise and so powerful. The testimony was profound, praise and worship so full of the Holy Spirit. Talk was truly divine. You are all wonderful to continue online as it gives me an opportunity to participate and to have Jesus in my home. Thank you all. Continue your amazing work bringing the Holy Spirit into our homes and alive within us.
I felt as if the whole session was the Lord reassuring me that He was with me, to be strong in Him and rely on Him. I feel that God, in His mercy, kindness and faithful love looked at my circumstances and tailored this day specially for me. Thank you, team, and blessed be God, forever, Amen!
Thank you so much for working so hard to make ADoRE happen. I received much spiritual nourishment this month.
What a wonderful "Spirit filled” morning. Praise God. Found it lovely. Need more of this in my life.
What a blessed few hours I have had with my brothers & Sisters in Christ. Thank you everyone, and God bless you.
It was a beautiful morning, praising and glorifying God in song and prayer. The talks resonated with my faith giving me encouragement and perseverance.
As always, speaker brilliant and you have certainly managed to engage the top names, who are able to bring their message simply and in an easy to understand way.
Your Saturday mornings are a life saver and give me a much needed reboot, especially after lockdown & having moved to a new parish.
I am greatly encouraged by your meetings. My local Catholic parish has no charismatic expression so it is a real treat and booster to share in your meeting.
The whole session of Charismatic Renewal was wonderful. The Mass and homily beautiful by Dear Fr. Anthony. The talk and the witness, the music and the sharing. All spiritually inspired and uplifting. A morning filled with love and joy.
It was a great opportunity to feel at home among others like me, believers in the spirit of Our Redeeming Father. I found the Mass really meaningful and spiritual and Father’s talk really helpful and encouraging. Overall the experience has been so moving and helping me so very much. Thank you all the team for such a great experience.
I had an intimate moment with the Lord ...Tears started pouring from my eyes ...I realized that they were the tears of joy that a father feels when he hugs his lost son.
During the time of the praise I felt God moving in my heart. I could feel God smiling down at me and I saw that His love is completely unconditional.
It was very refreshing today. Everything was helpful. There is a perfect balance of stillness and praise. Thank you to all.
Extremely informative, encouraging, building my life in the Holy Spirit and a real perfect opportunity to refuel, to top up on my knowledge and infilling of the Holy Spirit.
Your beautiful prayer group and retreat is mind blowing. Commencing with Holy Mass and Adoration radiates the light and the love of God. It’s easy to see the Lord directs your steps in all you do. Prophetic sharing, praise and worship, testimony and talk and prayer were all wonderful. You enhance our ability to receive God’s love. Powerful. Praise God for you all.
I was very moved, everything so well organised, leading smoothly and naturally from one area of worship to the next. Loved the very tranquil prayer atmosphere, gentle music ministry with meaningful words to praise and worship especially the guitar playing: the right amount of silent Adoration time. There was much in the prophetic sharing to focus on.
The ADoRE retreat day punctuates the month in an uplifting way. It shows signs of life in the church. The Mass is so reverent, adoration so significant, testimony so encouraging, the Talk so profound, the group discussion energising. The words of knowledge are signs of the Holy Spirit at work. The time of worship fills my soul and I am renewed!!
I'd just like to say thank you. Very blessed with your ministry. I like the fact that you reassure people that you believe the Holy Spirit has prompted them to be there. You have a really welcoming approach which helps people to be open and return.
In these powerful retreats we become so aware of God's awesome presence and understand His glory and magnificence in a more meaningful way. Thank you again. Your prayer group and all your team are amazing. Well done for your great work.
I really appreciate all the organizing that goes into these events. I just think it's wonderful how God is at work in so many ways. And these retreats highlight His faithfulness by allowing us to see and hear how He's always joining us together in peace and unity.
The day was amazing and l didn’t want it to end!
I am truly grateful for the warm welcome and the most Fruitful, Spirit filled day. Everyone was friendly and supportive, thank you to all of the team that made this live meeting a reality.
Wow! what a powerful day you all presented. Every aspect starting with Holy Mass was just wonderful. Praise and worship was amazing, testimony beautiful and of course the talk so touching and spiritual. Praise God for all of you.
I enjoyed the praise and worship as it is good to be able to really praise God in song.
Everything about the morning was rewarding, a very spiritual renewal.
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the online day of renewal. The words at the Mass and the wonderful openness and honesty from Kristina really made me think about what it means to be Holy I loved singing alongside with the worship songs.
I felt uplifted at being able to share again in such a group meeting as we don't have a prayer group locally; encouraged by the testimony given and the talk by Kristina.
Thank you for hosting today's meeting and for worship. Thanks, too, to Charles. A powerful message that I needed to hear. So good to join and re-connect to my Catholic roots.
Everything was helpful and much appreciated. Amazing how I can be stuck on the settee and God visits in a beautiful way.
Connecting with other charismatic Catholics and spending time with the Lord together was the most helpful thing. But was also greatly encouraged by Charles' talk and the words of prophecy after adoration I thought powerful.
The praise and worship sessions are very uplifting. I have sorely missed the occasions of worshipping together in this way within a group. Your virtual session is as near as one can get to meeting for real with my brothers and sisters and sharing our worship of the Lord. The choice of songs is always beautiful and encouraging. The breakout sessions can be helpful too in spreading the Word and giving praise to God or encouragement to each other.
Thank you all for the lovely Christmas service. It left me with a feeling of peace.
I just wanted to say thankyou for today. It was really beautiful and uplifting.
What a beautiful morning of prayer, scripture, praise and worship. Thank you!
It is so exciting to hear your prayer group. I can see you give your hearts and mind tirelessly doing God’s work. You radiate the light and the love of God. Well done and thank you.
I am so grateful for the whole team in organising this. The talk and prophetic sharing is moving and inspirational. It is highly recommended for people to attend for them to know more about Jesus and get closer to God.
This prayer group is wonderful. You are an amazing Charismatic prayer group bringing Jesus into our homes. I felt enriched with beautiful Holy Mass. Your worship music is adorable and testimonies and prophecies bringing us right close to God and the Holy Trinity. Loved it all.
"Wonderful talk. Wonderful testimony. Wonderful morning. Wonderful time, Holy Spirit. Thank you all! Glory to God!"
"A necessary and helpful spiritual recharge"
"Enjoyed attending - this was new to me but it is very important to remember the effect of Holy spirit in my life."
"I think it is valuable that I got time to focus on my spiritual life. There was time for reflection and time to learn from others."
It was a brilliantly rewarding morning. I thought the talk was utterly inspiring, the priest deeply holy and the testimony very moving. Thank you again for today!
Mass and worship always helpful to start the day. I thought the talk down to earth, inspiring and something we can all take into our groups and parishes. Personal testimony so effective.
Such a well organised day. I really like the day beginning with Mass and Adoration, that seemed to put the emphasis on Jesus. I liked the fact it lasted 3 hrs with the option of asking for prayer between 1 30 and 4pm. A lot fitted into the 3 hrs, but at no time did it feel rushed. It felt like a well oiled machine. The music was beautiful.
The Prophetic Sharing and the Words of Knowledge are always exciting, if that's the right word. They 'revive the soul'.
I found the prayers for Baptism in the Holy Spirit very powerful and helpful and the prayer of commitment. All in all a wonderful experience.
Incredibly moving and inspiring, the presence of the Holy Spirit was tangible; to my surprise, I received a personal insight for my prayer life.
This session was wonderful. I couldn't fault it, in any way. So full of The Holy Spirit. I came away feeling uplifted, and full of thanks and praise to God.
Thank you and your team for Saturday. It is always truly inspiring to be with people of praise, who are trying to live the gospel message and discern the will of God. It is also encouraging to see the use of the gifts. I just thoroughly enjoyed the whole of the day.
The whole Adore virtual meeting is amazing. You touch so many lives and may this wonderful work continue to flourish. I would like to thank the whole team for all of your hard work and effort.
"Thank you for a wonderful morning of prayer and worship. Leaving this session feeling very blessed. Praise and thanks be to God."
"I liked listening to other people talking about their faith. It made me feel comfortable with my own feelings."
"I find it all helpful and inspiring. It’s wonderful to be immersed in God; praising and adoring Him with holy Mass, encouragements from the prophecies, talk and testimony."
"The meeting was very well organised, so uplifting and extremely inspiring, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. I am so looking forward to joining you all again."
"Thank you very much for a great session. I got so much out of it. I had joyful tears in my eyes."
"A real sense of community and acceptance. A warm welcome given."
"What a wonderful morning! Thank you all SO much."
"It was so encouraging sharing with others so positive about their faith in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit - in praise and worship, hearing prophecy, testimony, sharing in breakout group."
I am so glad I am now able to attend your monthly Adore meetings on Zoom as it would be impossible to attend in person. I enjoyed every part of today’s meeting - it was amazing - I feel so blessed and filled with the Holy Spirit.
As always, the power of the Holy Spirit was not diminished by the fact that we could not be physically together. This is to me the most remarkable thing about Adore online. The event is well organised and presented.
Thank you so much for the mini retreat this morning. It was so very helpful and fulfilled a deep need I’ve been feeling over the last months, not having any opportunity to go on a retreat as I would usually do. It’s so wonderful to meet with the Lord.
The Adore retreat today really 'recharged' my spiritual batteries!. It was amazing to be with you all from the comfort of my own home...and yes, the Spirit most definitely moved me...to tears on a number of occasions...but in a good way!
Thank you so much for this mornings gathering. I feel very renewed by it and thankful for Mgr John’s talk and celebration of the Eucharist.
It was a real blessing to be able to join the Alton Day of Renewal. I have really appreciated the links and resources on the website since lock down. So I welcomed the chance to join you all again on zoom on Saturday. It was a real boost to recharging my spiritual batteries.
A stupendous day, thank you! I could do with a week of David Beresford. And I love the choice of hymns and songs.
Thank you very, very much for organising and running Adore. I find that I’m getting more and more from these very short retreats. We found David Beresford’s session particularly helpful - excellent, very clear talk and really well chosen bible readings. After his talk I felt very enthused and encouraged to pray more deeply with scripture.
Just to say a big thank you for including me as a participant in today's virtual ADoRE. It was very special to be able to attend, in fact my first time at ADoRE I found it extremely affirming, uplifting, inspriring and calming. The messages throughout were clear and powerful, and the praise wonderful. Thank you for hosting today online...the format works really well, all participating from home, and flowed very smoothly, it was great!
It was a blessing to be able to attend the last Alton Day of renewal and to hear the amazing talk about praise and worship.
“Many thanks for so warmly welcoming me into the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Day last Saturday. I had absolutely no idea what to expect, when I walked into the Alton Convent that morning, but as the Day progressed, Lord, how glad I was that I went. I left feeling healed, blessed and truly felt God's presence for me for the first time.”
“Yesterday was life-changing for me. It was wonderful - and a privilege - to be among you all.“
“It was both heart-warming and humbling to see the Alton Day of Renewal ongoing and thriving. I last came as a young teenager in the mid 1970s! Thank you all for making it possible. God bless you.”
“I enjoyed the day of reflection, it's good to take time out every now and then and will certainly try to come along when I can. The musical accompaniment was a really nice part of the day. “
“I had a really lovely, happy, enlightening day and truly look forward to coming again. My healing has helped a lot, thank you. Praise the Lord.”
“I liked the way the day has been organised.... a very powerful day with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.”
“The day of Renewal is just wonderful…. such a gift! For me the day of Renewal is a Celebration, a time when I can worship freely in the Spirit , with love, joy, thanksgiving, a surrendering in love enveloped in the indescribable marvel of the Holy Spirit's presence. The music is perfect, so inspiring and…. just right!”
“I want to express my gratitude for a lovely day spent with yourselves. I look forward to future get togethers - I hope to bring new people to it. Thank you for all you and the team do in helping us enrich our faith development.”
Testimony of healing #1
I would like to give my testimony as I was healed of my night terrors during the ADORE retreat in Woking in September when Russell and Chrissie prayed for me. I had been having night terrors for the last 35 years on most nights. My husband has been struggling a lot with this as it obviously limits his sleep. I have not had night terrors again since they prayed for me. I am very grateful to them for praying for me. And of course all praise and glory to the Lord.
Many thanks
Testimony of healing #2
It truly was life-changing for me when Father Laurence and Pauline prayed for me. I had been suffering from a very debilitating depression with acute anxiety. This had been my experience every single day for about six months.
When they prayed for me it was as though the Lord Jesus Himself was blanketing me in His Arms as I rested in the Spirit.
And that sense of His Presence has not left me. Since then I have not had one single second of either depression or anxiety!
His deep and all encompassing Peace has enveloped and filled me from that moment to this. The glorious Light of His Love has lifted away all heaviness from me. Instead I am filled with overflowing Joy. I am happy and enjoying this wonderful gift of Life He has given us.
Please feel free to use this testimony. Thank you and may God bless you all richly.
We would be delighted to hear your comments on ADoRE, the effect it has had on your faith journey, and whether you have experienced healing of any kind - spiritual, emotional or physical.
For useful hints on how to give your testimony, go to this Catholic website LINK
You can also read Alastair's testimony about giving a testimony HERE
We reserve the right to publish your comments here but they will be anonymous unless you give us your permission to use your name.
Just click the button to the Contact page and complete the form, Thank you and God bless you.
It was great. Simple and warm, and the issues have not reoccurred since.
I have rung it twice and had healing - thank you
It was most beneficial and personal - moved me to tears.
The follow up phone ministry was particularly important for me because with it God lifted many things in my life.
I felt a sense of fellowship, love and genuine care. Really feel consoled, strengthened now and uplifted. I have a clearer plan for starting my discernment.
I would like to give testimony from the prayer I had. I was asking God for guidance /insight into my relationship struggles and the decision I was to make and the vision that came to the prayer minister was finally what I was asking God for months. I just know and have peace of heart now regarding the way I should take. Praise be to God.
A gentleman called me yesterday to say he had received a “great healing” on Saturday.
I asked for prayer through the prayer ministry and found it extremely helpful, comforting and uplifting.
The Adoration time after Mass was very prayerful and atmospheric. I was able to empty my mind and bathe in the God light of Jesus. It inspired me with a solution to deal with a difficult problem concerning a family member, Lucy. Then, after the meeting, I phoned the prayer line and, to my amazement, the prayer minister coincidentally knew a lot about the type of trauma that was causing Lucy's problems. WHAT A GOD INCIDENT! That the Holy spirit had sent me someone who already understood some of the trauma she had experienced. He prayed the most beautiful prayer for me to be able to support Lucy and for Lucy herself, and said he would continue to pray for her.
"I was then inspired to search online and find two books that I think will be perfect to help heal Lucy's emotional wounds. I will send these books to her and I am confident and trust Jesus will do the rest! Thank you God. Thank you Alton Day of Renewal. Thank you to the Prayer team. CR
I was encouraged by a word of knowledge (given during the prophecy time) to phone the prayer ministry team.
The sharing on the prayer line was some of the most helpful counselling I’ve had for some time. Thank you so much
The ministers are extremely kind, non-judgemental, loving, caring, supportive and very reassuring. They are truly Blessed with God's Goodness and His Holy Spirit. Very professional, respectful and compassionate.
I love the prayer ministry and always benefit from it.
l had a deep encounter with Jesus
I received some excellent advice and prayerful support from the telephone ministry team, I was very happy with it.
Prayer ministry definitely helpful. I am grateful.
At the last ADoRE meeting it was mentioned someone with a painful left knee should contact the Prayer line. I did and was prayed with. I believed the Lord would intervene....He did. A couple of hours later and the pain has gone. Thanks be to God.
I phoned and received prayer from a couple who prayed for healing for me for my swallowing problems and to help me with my anxiety and sleep problems. During the prayer, I was flooded with peace and became very aware of the Lord's presence. I felt as though there was a slight improvement in my swallowing at the time too. It was a very reassuring and encouraging experience.
Prayer ministry very helpful thank you. a lovely ministry.
Prayer ministry was truly a heaven-sent blessing. I felt so comforted, reassured and understood. It lifted my spirit and gave me fresh eyes/ perspective.
I was prayed with, and I am claiming the healing - it has started to improve...... A while ago one of the team prayed for my neck and that has been healed praise God.
Prayer ministry was great, and I have felt more peaceful and clear since.
The quality of the prayers and support/advice/encouragement that I have received from your healing prayer line has always been excellent.
A word of knowledge was given in the meeting about pain in the right hip which was for me! I phoned the prayer line and was prayed for. I’ve had no pain since and am grateful for that prayer of faith.
Many thanks to the prayer team for their loving and powerful support for me during difficult times for me and my family.
The phone ministry was so moving. It was so amazing to receive such compassion and kindness and I know God spoke to me through the words that were shared with me.
Thank you so much for the prayer ministry; I phoned for this in response to a prophetic word at the last ADORE meeting. I didn't recieve the physical healing hoped for, but I received so much more through spirtual help and support which has enabled me to let go of so many burdens. Thank you.
"At the March meeting there was an announcement that someone with pain on the right heel should call the healing number. We were very excited and I complied by calling in. I am overjoyed to testify that I was later called that day and prayed upon and was blessed and the pain in my heel considerably subsided at that time and I was completely relieved of the pain by the next day. All praise and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ! A massive THANK YOU to the healing team at Adore!" - DM
A lady with an aggressive spinal tumour had the results of her latest scans. There is “no change, even perhaps some shrinkage of the tumour”. The Consultant has called it “a great result”. She herself called it “amazing answer to prayer”.
"I have been suffering for many months with excruciating eczema...the discomfort was so bad that it kept me awake at night. The very first night after having prayer from your prayer team, I had no discomfort and I slept like a baby."
Prayer brought about reconciliation and restoration of a relationship
A lady testified that through the ministry she had been brought to “a place of acceptance and peace”
Another lady testified that she has found peace from the dreadful fears she has been suffering
A lady in deep depression received the “gift of mirth”
We prayed for a lady who was imminently dying: we were then told she sat up two hours later “eating toast and custard!”
"After your prayer, I found my daughter much better, mainly physically, emotionally still long way to go. Myself much more peaceful and able to withstand her lashing out."
"Getting stronger and mentally feeling great....cannot thank you enough for all your prayers.”
Personal ministry is available by phone on ADoRE Days once a month.Click the button below for full details.
PLEASE NOTE: We cannot guarantee instant answers to prayer. Although we believe that God does heal, we cannot presume to tell him how and when. While physical healing is not guaranteed, prayer for healing can help bring peace of mind to a situation and help us offer up our suffering for the good of the Church and the world.
The Catholic Church teaches: "The Holy Spirit gives to some a special charism of healing so as to make manifest the power of the grace of the risen Lord. But even the most intense prayers do not always obtain the healing of all illnesses." (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1508)
Thank you to everyone who completed the surveys after the recent meetings. We are really encouraged by all the positive comments and are also looking into your suggestions.
You can read the summary highlights for January 2025 HERE
2024 Testimonies of Thanks. November 2024 HERE, October 2024 HERE, September 2024 HERE, August 2024 HERE, July 2024 HERE, June 2024 HERE, May 2024 HERE, April 2024 HERE, March 2024 HERE, February 2024 HERE January 2024 HERE,
2023 Testimonies of thanks. December 2023 HERE, November 2023 HERE. October 2023 HERE. September 2023 HERE. August 2023 HERE. July 2023 HERE, June 2023 HERE, April 2023 HERE, March 2023 HERE, February 2023 HERE, January 2023 HERE
2022 Testimonies of thanks: December 2022 HERE, November 2022 HERE, October 2022 HERE, September 2022 HERE August 2022 HERE, July 2022 HERE, June 2022 HERE, April 2022 HERE, March 2022 HERE, February 2022 HERE, January 2022 HERE
2021 Testimonies of thanks: January HERE Feb/Mar HERE April HERE May HERE June HERE July HERE August HERE September HERE October HERE November HERE
Judith Aylmer, who has been involved with ADoRe since the 1980s and been a Core Group member for many years, explains her own experience of Prophecy and gives helpful guidelines. HERE
It's a very effective way of sharing the good news of your faith.
Read the transcript of Alastair's March 2024 Testimony about giving a testimony HERE, and find out other tips HERE.
Also scroll down for more information about sharing your testimony.