This Month

Overall theme for 2024: “CHOSEN TO BE HOLY” - Transformation by the Holy Spirit.

God has always desired His people to be holy - “Be holy; for I, the Lord your God, am holy” (Leviticus 20:7). And St. Paul told the community in Ephesus that God “chose us in [Christ] . . . to be holy” (Ephesians 1:4). We tend to think that, because we are sinners, we cannot be holy. Yet this is not the whole story, because Jesus shed his blood in order to make us holy (Hebrews 13:12).

The truth is that every baptised person is called to holiness, chosen by the Lord to be fruitful (John 15:16). This is not something we can achieve by our own efforts: the Father gives the Holy Spirit to transform us into the image of Christ, so that our lives can bear fruit in witnessing to the good news of God’s love.

Each month we will develop our understanding and appreciation of how we are to respond to God's call. Showing how being holy doesn’t mean being sinless, joyless or judgemental; it means co-operating with the Holy Spirit as He helps us to love and obey God’s will to love Him and to love our neighbour.


Speaker: Joe Livingston. Following  a massive conversion experience in April 1993, Joe travels extensively preaching and teaching the Word of God as an international Catholic evangelist with a powerful healing ministry.

You will need to register in advance to receive the link to the Zoom meeting, even if you have attended before:


TIME TABLE (approximate timings for zoom meeting)

10.00am  Mass

10.40am  Adoration
10.50am  Prophetic sharing
11.10am  Break

11.20am  Praise & Worship

11.45am  Testimony

11.50am  Talk

12.30pm  Q&A on the talk

12.45pm  Final announcements

1.00pm    Finish meeting


You are very welcome to join us on Zoom. See MEETING panel for details of the next meeting and scroll down to JOINING DETAILS panel for how to register and participate.   

Rosary: we would normally start our meeting with the Rosary, but this is not part of the Zoom conference. You can choose to watch an online Rosary for example Rosary Joyful Mysteries from Lourdes (30 minutes); or say your own, using our ADoRE "Rosary with Scriptures" Link HERE

Mass and Adoration: livestreamed on Zoom from 10.00am with an entry hymn and short introduction. Please join from 9.50 and stay muted. More information on Adoration HERE

Reflection and prophecy: after Adoration, participants may offer words that they feel the Lord is giving them. Please press the "Reactions" button to raise a hand and wait till we ask you to unmute your microphone and invite you to speak. More information about Prophecy HERE

Praise and Worship: After a 10 minute comfort break, at 11.20am there will be a fuller welcome and introduction and a time of sung praise and worship. Song words will be shown on screen so you can join in at home, though your microphone should still be muted. (The time delay online makes it tricky to sing in unison).

Testimony: at 11.40am there will be a short testimony from someone about their own experience of renewal in the Spirit.

Talk: at 11.45 we have an inspiring talk from our guest speaker for the month. (See THIS MONTH panel for details.) This will conclude with a time of prayer for renewed outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit on all participants.

Sharing: At aroud 12.30, we will share our response to the talk, or have a Question & Answer session, before further prayer and final announcements. The meeting finishes at around 1.00pm.

Prayer Ministry: We offer the opportunity for you to receive prayer for healing or spiritual renewal of your faith by telephone after the meeting. Details HERE

Watch again: Most months we record the Mass & Adoration, Praise & Worship, Talk & Testimony so that you can remind yourself of the retreat, or catch up if you missed it. Go to our YouTube channel  HERE


Even if you have registered and attended before, you must register for the meeting in advance each month, using the button below and we will send you the link to the meeting. Or go to We will also send the link again the day before the meeting as a reminder.

On the day, please join the zoom meeting from about 9.45am by clicking on the link in the confirmation email you will have received. This should take you straight in to the Zoom meeting. PLEASE NOTE: You may not be able to join the meeting by going into your Zoom app first. You may join the meeting at any time after it starts.

For more details about using Zoom and participating in the meeting, go to ADORE ONLINE

ADoRE 26th October 2024 

"HEAL THE SICK – ministering in the Charisms of the Holy Spirit"Mini-Retreat for Spiritual Renewal on ZOOM. Register in advance at

In this year devoted to holiness, we look more deeply this month at wholeness and healing. Jesus healed to bring people to faith in him as the source of holiness, and he commissions his followers to do the same today. Do we have the confidence to realise that Jesus has chosen us to pray for healing, in God’s will?