"The Charismatic Renewal is a current of grace of the Spirit for all the Church, not just for some" - Pope Francis
Pope Francis has said of 2024: "May it be an intense year of prayer in which hearts are opened to receive the outpouring of God’s grace and to make the ‘Our Father,’ the prayer Jesus taught us, the life programme of each of his disciples.”
In 2022 we focused on the power of the Lord's Prayer and the part we need to play in bringing God's Kingdom to earth, with the help of the Holy Spirit. We recommend this programme, and the accompanying book "Heaven on Earth" (See below) as an appropriate way of responding to the Pope's invitation for 2024.
Scroll down to see the monthly programme, and scroll down to the bottom of the page for video recordings of the talks.
You can also view videos of Masses and Praise & Worship.
Since early 2020, the Lord opened up an amazing opportunity for ADoRE to develop our ministry online. Attendance at online meetings was up to 150 people from all over the UK and beyond. Feedback showed that our zoom format is meeting a need for refreshing the spiritual lives of those already involved in renewal, as well as giving them an opportunity to introduce newcomers to living in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe the Lord wanted us to step out in faith and do even more, in order to help bring the Good News of His Kingdom to those who need to hear about it.
He guided us to extend our ministry in 2022 by continuing on Zoom and working with other Charismatic communities around the UK. The basic meeting format remained, but different guest communities contributed talks, worship and testimonies.
"HEAVEN ON EARTH - Our Father's Will for Us" consists of the text of eleven talks on the Lord's Prayer given at "ADoRE" meetings in 2022.
It is ideal reading for responding to Pope Francis's invitation to make 2024 the Year of the Our Father.
The authors are all involved with Catholic Charismatic Renewal and are all engaged in leadership roles in the Catholic Church.