Charismatic Prayer


People often ask what Charismatic Prayer is all about. In this video, given as part of a Lent series on prayer, ADoRE Leader Alastair Emblem explains how the Holy Spirit encourages us to surrender to God so that we can be filled with His powerful gifts or charisms. Also covered are:

  • Why the Church needs charismatic gifts.
  • How charismatic prayer helps us find a new presence of God.
  • Simple explanation of Baptism in the Spirit, tongues, prophecy, words of knowledge, healing prayer, praise.
  • Prayer for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit.
  • The effects of charismatic prayer.

The link below leads to a document giving answers to questions people often ask about the gift of Tongues and other aspects of charismatic renewal. It corrects some of the misunderstandings that are commonly held, for example:

  • Is the gift of tongues an essential sign of Baptism in the Spirit? (Short answer: NO, there are many gifts. But tongues is a wonderful gift.)
  • Is the gift of tongues for everyone? (Short answer: God wants everyone to seek and be open to the Spirit in whatever way He leads.)
  • Can I receive the gift of tongues when praying alone? (Short answer: YES)
  • Should we ask for the gift of tongues? (Answer: YES, definitely, but we should always be motivated by love and selfless service.


In this video, Fr Gareth Leyshon, former Chaplain to the Sion Community, gives a very clear explanation of Tongues, including:

  • What is the gift of tongues?
  • Is it Catholic?
  • What is it for?
  • It can be a language, prayer or singing.
  • It is to be asked for.
  • His own testimony of coming into the gift of tongues.
  • Prayer to receive the gift.

What does the Church say?

Catechism of the Catholic Church para. 2003:

There are furthermore special graces, also called charisms after the Greek term used by St. Paul and meaning “favour,” “gratuitous gift,” “benefit.” Whatever their character—sometimes it is extraordinary, such as the gift of miracles or of tongues—charisms are oriented toward sanctifying grace and are intended for the common good of the Church. They are at the service of charity which builds up the Church.

At a conference several years ago, Papal household preacher, Fr. (now Cardinal) Raniero Cantalamessa, recounted the story of how St. John Paul II emerged one day from his chapel at the Vatican, excitedly exclaiming that he had received the gift of tongues. (Story reported by Fr Bob Bedard.)

"Keep speaking to the Lord, letting go and allowing the range of sounds you are making to the Lord to grow wider... keep praying and the gift will become clearer and stronger." (Doctrinal Commission – International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services)    More...