"The Charismatic Renewal is a current of grace of the Spirit for all the Church, not just for some" - Pope Francis
2023 Recordings
In 2023 we developed our understanding and appreciation of how each of us is to respond to Jesus' call to share in His mission. Discovering how we are all anointed, inspired and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do as Jesus did, bringing people into His Kingdom.
Scroll down to see the monthly programme of talks, given by guest speakers who are leaders in Catholic Charismatic Renewal with extensive experience in both practising and teaching on evangelisation. Guided by the Holy Spirit, they gave inspiring and practical encouragement and advice on sharing the Good News in your community.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for video recordings of the talks. You can also view videos of Masses and Praise & Worship.
"Your beautiful prayer group and retreat is mind blowing. Commencing with Holy Mass and Adoration radiates the light and the love of God. Prophetic sharing, praise and worship, testimony and talk and prayer were all wonderful. You enhance our ability to receive God’s love." - An ADoRE participant.
Our Vision
We seek to put Jesus at the centre of all we do: He is the source of new life and we are channels of His renewing, refreshing, healing water in a world thirsty for God’s presence.
We invite everyone to meet Jesus and enter into deeper communion with Him, to experience the love and joy of our heavenly Father. We encourage everyone to receive a new infilling of the Holy Spirit, to ignite their faith, to inspire and empower them to be Missionary Disciples and share the Good News of God’s love with those around them. Together we will spread the fire of the Holy Spirit far and wide!
Feedback from ADoRE retreats shows that our format is meeting a need for refreshing the spiritual lives of those already involved in renewal, as well as giving them an opportunity to introduce newcomers to living in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe the Lord wants us to step out in faith and do even more to help bring the Good News of His Kingdom to those who need to hear about it.
Our ongoing vision is to extend our ministry by encouraging local parishes and communities to participate in our sessions, so that the FIRE of the Holy Spirit can spread far and wide.
Follow the link to our special "YOUR PARISH" page for tips and resources to enable you and your Parish to develop your own evangelising skills and programmes.
Q&A: Michelle's helpful answers to participants questions HERE
Please note the July talk is not available on video for copyright reasons.