"The Charismatic Renewal is a current of grace of the Spirit for all the Church, not just for some" - Pope Francis
A significant part of Jesus' ministry was delivering people from the oppression of evil spirits. It was part of his mission statement in Luke 4:3 to 'release the oppressed' from the powers of darkness so that the Kingdom of God could advance. 'If it is by the finger of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.' (Luke 11:20)
Many people outside the Church (and even some within) try to claim that the devil and evil spirits are an outdated concept, yet the Catholic Church and God's Word in Scripture clearly teach otherwise. (See Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraphs 391-395 and elsewhere). See also further links on this page.
UNBOUND is a deliverance and healing ministry that focuses on people, NOT evil spirits.It is a quiet, loving, reproducible model that helps people respond to the good news of the Gospel and apply truth to their lives.
UNBOUND is ministered through trained teams who are able to pray with suitable applicants.Find out more from Unbound Prayer, Lincoln UK at unboundprayer.com where you will also find a list of Unbound Ministry Teams operating in the UK.
In September 2022 and August 2023, we were privileged to have hosted the dynamic Catholic evangelist Ros Powell giving talks about the ministry of Deliverance: "Deliver us from Evil" and Release the Oppressed". Some people, unused to her style of teaching, can find her almost overpowering, yet she gives a clear and refreshingly honest picture of the topic, and in the second video, leads a prayer to help us renounce harmful behaviour patterns.
Feedback: " I found Ros's talk encouraging and her prayer liberating. I felt set free from those things that bind me."
"Ros's talk was very powerful and I found the prayer afterwards very helpful."
The Vatican has issued a teaching document reflecting on the "New Age" JESUS CHRIST THE BEARER OF THE WATER OF LIFE, which clearly instructs how and why numerous New Age and other spiritual practices derived from non-Christian religions can be dangerous, as they may open us to the influence of demonic spirits.
If you are seeking understanding of the Church's position, and want to discern whether a particular practice may be dangerous, we recommend using the discernment process developed by Fr Gareth Leyshon, a Catholic Priest, Scientist and a consultant to the Vatican on alternative therapies: Checklist for Catholic use of
“New Age” and Spiritual Practices.
See also Fr Gareth's Critique of New Age Spirituality, including commentary on Reiki. And his Opinion on Reflexology.
It is the teaching of the Catholic Church that only trained and designated priests can perform exorcisms. Each Diocese in England and Wales has a designated exorcist,,,Genuine demon manifestation is rare and must be discerned by the exorcist and his team.
Within the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, deliverance is understood separately from exorcism and is deemed permissible for appropriately trained lay people. (Extract from "Prayer Ministry Guidelines" approved by the NSC)