"The Charismatic Renewal is a current of grace of the Spirit for all the Church, not just for some" - Pope Francis
Terms and conditions
ARE YOU ILL, WORRIED OR SEARCHING? Experienced, trained prayer ministers will pray with you after the monthly ADoRE meetings for healing or encouragement. ADORE has been gifted by the Holy Spirit with a ministry of healing and renewal prayer for over 48 years. Our team members are called by the Lord to use the charisms they have received, to the glory of God and the building up of his Church.
This is now only possible after the live meetings that we hold twice a year - please refer to the programme for the year.
We are pleased to offer a confidential* prayer service over the phone. Our prayer ministers will pray with you for your needs - including healing of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems; renewal of faith; Baptism in the Holy Spirit; and development of your charismatic gifts. Receiving direct prayer can be so much more powerful than normal intercessory prayer.
* Please note that we must abide by Church regulations and our Safeguarding Officer will be informed of all relevant safeguarding issues particularly if there is any risk of self-harm, or danger to others.
How does it work?
Telephone (NOT text) our dedicated ADORE answerphone number 07579 824523. Leave ONLY your name and telephone number and we will call you back within 90 minutes (during open hours) from a withheld number. More details under Terms and Conditions below.
When is telephone ministry available?
Only after the streaming of our online, monthly ADORE Saturday meetings, 1.30 - 5.00pm.
May the Lord bless and heal you. Amen.
"At the last ADoRE meeting it was mentioned someone with a painful left knee should contact the Prayer line. I did and was prayed with. I believed the Lord would intervene....He did. A couple of hours later and the pain has gone. Thanks be to God. You can use my cure as a testament of God's love and goodness" - Carol Mayes
We cannot guarantee instant answers to prayer. Although we believe that God does heal, we cannot presume to tell Him how and when.
The Catholic Church teaches: "The Holy Spirit gives to some a special charism of healing so as to make manifest the power of the grace of the risen Lord. But even the most intense prayers do not always obtain the healing of all illnesses." (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1508)
Read the article by Jenny Osterfield about how she started the ADoRE ministry. HERE
The service was started during lockdown, when live prayer groups and ministries could not operate, and we discerned that many people would be in need of telephone prayer.
But demand has declined, as people are able to access more live services, and we have a reduced number of people to provide the service, So we discerned that the Lord was asking us to lay down the weekday ministry and return to our original ministry of offering prayer only after our monthly meetings.
We offer some suggestions of alternative prayer ministries, for your information. We are not able to make any specific recommendations.
For more information please contact Alastair Emblem
Email: adore@altonrenewal.com
St Patrick’s Soho 7 pm - 11 pm daily. Tel: 02074349211
Catholic Charismatic Renewal email prayer requests: ccrprayerline@gmail.com
Premier Christian Radio Prayer line: 9 - 5 pm daily (Excluding public holidays) 0300 1110101
UCB (United Christian Broadcasters). Opening times and other details: https://www.ucb.co.uk/pray
New Kapporet Christian Helpline 0808 8010585 3pm - 11pm daily. Also prayer requests by email & text, go to: https://christianhelpline.uk/welcome