Prayer  groups


Michelle Moran wrote an article in Good News Magazine February 2018 in which she said: "It is not enough to run Life in the Spirit Seminars and Alpha courses in isolation: people also need a community where they can be nourished and grow. There is an urgent need for us to develop, strengthen and re-create prayer groups..."

On this page we will give tips on how to start or revitalise prayer groups, as well as details of prayer groups in the original pre-Zoom ADoRE "catchment area", which is Portsmouth Diocese and Arundel and Brighton Diocese. Please let us know about your Prayer Group by following the red link below.


You can download a very comprehensive 130-page document "Catholic Charismatic Renewal Resource" produced by Fr Bob Hogan for the American National Service Committee of Catholic Charismatic Renewal. It covers a wide range of topics including:

  • The Vision for Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Prayer Groups
  • Growing in Prophetic Gifts and Charisms
  • Praise and worship
  • Leadership Tools for Prayer Groups
  • Evangelisation
  • Prayer Ministry

Charismatic Prayer Groups in Arundel & Brighton

The CHARIS Diocesan Group for A&B Diocese now have their own website with information about Prayer Groups and other Charismatic Initiatives in the Diocese. Follow the link to the website HERE

And the link to the list of Prayer Groups HERE

Charismatic Prayer Groups in Portsmouth Diocese

Reading, Berkshire. Good Shepherd prayer group meets 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 7.30pm at St James Church (Dominic Barberi Room) Abbots Walk, Reading RG1 3HW. Contact Liz Tanner. Tel: 0778 055 3077 (after 1pm) or email liztanner1 @

Abingdon, Oxfordshire. Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in a private house from 7:45 - 9pm. Everyone welcome! For details please phone 01235 528528.
A relaxed and informal mix of prayer, praise, intercessions and fellowship plus prayers for healing when needed.

[This list still under construction]

Intercessory Prayer Group

“The Friends of Father Nicholas Prayer Group” is made up of people who have attended healing workshops by Father Nicholas Broadbridge and are committed to pray for people personally each and every day. Please contact Peter Ferguson  email: peter at

The Wall of Answered Prayer

It's a project to build an national monument in the UK with a million bricks, with each brick representing an answered prayer and there will be a way to access and read these. They have the land, next to a motorway in the Midlands, and now they are trying to raise funds and answered prayers. Please add any testimonies that you feel able to share with the nation you might be interested. These testimonies would then be available for the generations to come to hear of God's love, mercy and faithfulness. Please look on their website to find out more.

GOD CALLS - new mobile app

Use this app to help you hear God lead you on a journey of discovery. Christ walks with you along the road towards his heavenly home. Listen to him...By discerning God's voice in his word; by exploring the lives of the Saints; by encountering God's grace in prayer; by journaling your daily thoughts.
Discover events in your area. Gather with like-minded people and worship together as church.Stay up to date with the latest church news from around the world. Take part in monthly faith-based surveys and see how your answers compare with other users.

This app is designed to help you grow in faith, develop in discipleship and follow God's call. Download your free app today.

Starting or strengthening prayer groups

A really good way of getting a new group going, or refreshing an existing one, is by running a Life in the Spirit seminar using "The Gift" DVD course.  This can then be followed up by other excellent DVD courses from CaFE (Catholic Faith Exploration)

Listen to the talk by Tim Stevens of CaFE on strengthening your prayer Group

Listen to other helpful talks from our 2019 programme "The Power of Prayer"

Towards a Fuller Life in the Holy Spirit

by Charles Whitehead

Charles Whitehead  encourages us all to take a fresh look at the person and promise of the Spirit as revealed in the scriptures and through 2000 years of church teaching and history. It is presented so that it can be used as a resource for small group discussion as well as personal teaching and encouragement. Ideal for accompanying "The Gift" Life in the Spirit DVD course, and for forming or revitalising a prayer group.

Telephone Prayer Intercessors

If you need prayer over the phone, please call:

  • ADoRE Healing Ministry Tel: 07579 824523 (More information HERE)
  • Fr John Horn Tel: 01483 618076
  • Robin Hirsch Tel: 07768 717628

Praise and Worship

Joyful praise ans worship is an essential element of a prayer meeting, but many groups struggle with this if they don't have a worship leader. Thankfully, there are excellent resources online these days. Although live music is always preferable, worship videos with lyrics played on a laptop are an acceptable substitute. ADoRE Praise & Worship  sessions can be found HERE

Or, on YouTube, search for "praise/worship with lyrics". For example, a good selection of contemporary songs can be found HERE

Prayer Group on Zoom.

Way-Finder Holy Spirit online prayer meeting takes place on Thursday evenings at 8pm. Newcomers very welcome from anywhere in the world. For more details and zoom link please contact  Jenny Osterfield

Charismatic Prayer Groups in England.
Details HERE

Prayer Groups in Wales

Contact Anne Nolan email: annec_nolan at

(substitute @)