"The Charismatic Renewal is a current of grace of the Spirit for all the Church, not just for some" - Pope Francis
Goodnews Books, founded by Gerard and Toni Pomfret, well-known at Catholic conferences, is a family mail order company serving Renewal in the Church. We have been distributing books and Christian music since 1996 and we also provide bookshops for, Retreats and Days of Renewal..
The Faith Companion is a two-monthly magazine aimed at accompanying Catholic parishioners on their faith journey. If you have ever been inspired during Mass but were unsure how that translates into daily life, then The Faith Companion can help.
Ros Powell's Armchair Church www.rospowell.com/armchair-church/A ‘Prophetic Prayer Meeting’ where we join in ‘spiritually’ with one another to praise, worship and pray prayers of intercession, pray in tongues (using the gifts of the Holy Spirit) read the word and have a time of silence to listen to what the Lord is saying.
Click on the red titles to follow links
CHARIS UK Website Official website for Catholic Charismatic Renewal England & Wales, with articles about Renewal, and you can sign up to register your prayer group or receive a regular e-news letter.
Charismatic Renewal Alternative Website With loads of information, articles and links on renewal plus details of local prayer groups around the country.
CHARIS Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service
Approved by the Holy See. Coordinates information and communication to serve the worldwide Catholic Renewal.
To receive regular e-news about renewal worldwide please email info@charis.international
General Website HERE
Sion Catholic Community for Evangelism A community of disciples on mission, laity and clergy working together to make the Good News of Jesus Christ known. Will run a mission in your parish.YouTube site HERE
What does the Catholic Church think about charismatic renewal? Short video by Michelle Moran, Former President of International Catholic Charismatic Renewal, and leader of the Sion Community.
Little Way Healing Ministries The Little Way of Healing is a Holy Spirit-led approach to the healing of memories. The founders are Pauline Edwards and Fr Laurence Brassill who help Parishes establish their own healing ministries.
Cor et Lumen Christi Community. Training courses and conferences for renewal in the power of the Holy Spirit and developing charismatic ministry.
Way Finders Holy Spirit online prayer meeting takes place on Thursday evenings at 8pm (London time). Newcomers very welcome from anywhere in the world. For more details and zoom link please contact leader Jenny Osterfield
Charisms of the Holy Spirit What are they and why do we need them? Article by Dr Mary Healy
art4prayer A Christian website honouring God through paintings, prayers and reflections.
Joe Livingston Foundation of Truth ministries. Evangelisation, Healing, Spiritual Warfare, Prayers, Books. Website HERE
"It's a brilliant book... totally inspired by the Hoy Spirit" - Charles Whitehead. For more information go HERE. View a short video of Fr Matt talking about why and how he wrote the book HERE and order it HERE
Catholic Miracle Rally 2025 Saturday 21st June 8.30am-9.30pm
Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ Info and booking HERE
CHARIS Events special bulletin HERE
CATHOLIC / CHRISTIAN FAITH FORMATION Click on the name to take you to the website
Order of Mass Leaflet (Basic)
Celebrating the Mass (Very detailed)
Way of the Cross (Via Crucis)
A More Perfect Way (Way of the Cross by Richard Hobbs)
Stations of Light (Via Lucis)
Rosary with Scriptures ADoRE Version
Rosary with Scriptures for Vocations
CATHOLIC PRAYERS Click on the name for more information
You are encouraged to follow a daily Bible reading programme, if you don't already do so - suggestions below.
Bible in a Year free Catholic reading plan, a daily 20-25 minute podcast with Fr Mike Schmitz: https://ascensionpress.com/biy
Ascension App. Bible and Catholic Catechism text, daily readings and reflections, as well as audio of both Bible in a Year and Catechism in a Year are free. Other tools available on subscription: https://link.ascension-app.com/lMuydd...
Bible in One Year. Each daily reading includes passages from the New Testament, the Old Testament and Psalms or Proverbs. Alongside the readings, Nicky and Pippa Gumbel, pioneers of Alpha, share their thoughts on the passages and prayers for the day. Free App details HERE
Bible Timeline (a quick explanation of how everything in the Old Testament connects to everything else) Download HERE
Full Schedule of Readings to work through the Bible in a year (Print this double-sided and fold it up to fit in your Bible) Download HERE
Bible Alive Catholic monthly booklet of daily readings and meditations. Digital or print versions available by annual subscription. Full details HERE
Understanding Scripture. Learn more about the Catholic approach to Scripture with resources from Loyola Press. Details HERE
Always pray. Whichever Bible plan you use, each day before you begin, it is good to say a prayer to quieten and open your heart. One possible prayer is shown below (or you can make up your own):
Dear Lord, thank you for your written Word and the mighty truths it contains. May your Holy Spirit open our hearts and minds to the truths that you wish us to see. May we grow in grace and in knowledge today. In Jesus' name, Amen.
CELEBRATE TRUSTA Catholic ministry that inspires and equips people of all ages to live an authentic Christian life in the power of the Holy Spirit, in support of the family, to form the next generation and encourage local community. Plus FREE resources for your Church, to create an atmosphere of joy!
Celebrate Joy :: Big Church Festival :: Celebrate at Home :: Joel's Bar