"The Charismatic Renewal is a current of grace of the Spirit for all the Church, not just for some" - Pope Francis
"HEAVEN ON EARTH - Our Father's Will for Us" consists of the text of eleven talks on the Lord's Prayer given at "ADoRE" meetings in 2022. As Bishop David Oakley says in his Foreword: "This particular series of reflections on the Our Father reflect the experience of a number of contemporary disciples, and their many years of seeking the face of God.... Here is an invitation for each of us to share the relationship with our heavenly Father that the Beloved Son enjoys."
Pope Francis has said of 2024: "May it be an intense year of prayer in which hearts are opened to receive the outpouring of God’s grace and to make the ‘Our Father,’ the prayer Jesus taught us, the life programme of each of his disciples.”
This exciting new book is an excellent way of responding to Pope Francis' invitation and discovering the hidden depths of this well known prayer. "If this book brings some to a deeper appreciation of prayer and a more encouraging understanding of the Lord’s own prayer, then it will serve the church well in these times.” - Bishop David Oakley, Bishop of Northampton and Episcopal Advisor for Charismatic Renewal in England and Wales.
Charles Whitehead, Kristina Cooper, Fr Simon Penhalagan, Geoff and Gina Poulter, John Trimming, Peter Hobbs, Jenny Baker, Ros Powell, Allegra Mutanda, Fr Anthony Meredith. and Alastair Emblem.
Each author breaks open a phrase in the Lord’s Prayer. adding their own observations, testimonies and further prayers. The authors are all involved with Catholic Charismatic Renewal and are all engaged in leadership roles in the Catholic Church, covering a wide range of ministries including: Priesthood, Lay Parish Ministry, Evangelism, Mission, Healing, Deliverance, Prophecy, Formation, Teaching, Music, Worship, Bereavement, Ecumenism and Communication.
Price £10.00 + delivery
Author profits will be shared between CHARIS UK and ADoRE
6x4" Colour postcards with details of the book. Hand them out to fellow Parishioners and friends. Order 20 free of charge from: adore@altonrenewal.com